National Standards aims to maintain environmental responsibility in all advents of our business. Our shopping bags are 100% recyclable and use no harmful inks or dyes. We have an extensive recycling program for all shipping components related to our products. Email receipts are available in place of paper, and limited resources are used in our advertising and campaigns—we do not print ads or use seasonal vinyl decals.
National Standards has its roots in local production. Although we no longer produce locally, we take great pride in the manufacturing and quality of our garments. We understand the issues surrounding sustainability in the fashion industry, and therefore strive to bring you an option that does not promote fast fashion.
All of our factories are Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) gold certified, and are dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing. Our fabrics are produced primarily in Japan and Turkey, both known for maintaining the highest quality of textiles.
We are fortunate to have our production based in some of the best facilities in the world. This privilege allows for the further development of our product line, and the continued growth of our brand.
We hope you enjoy wearing National Standards clothing, and we appreciate your concern for ethical manufacturing.
-National Standards